Saturday, January 12, 2019

ZONE 9 - 11

Kindest Cuts: Now, in January, in warmer zones (8 and up), it’s time to start to prune roses. Anytime during the month will work, but the middle to latter part of the month or early February is the preferred time (I usually do mine on Superbowl Sunday!). Grab very clean, very sharp pruners and begin by cutting away any dead branches or those that are thinner than a pencil. Next, thin out the center to encourage air circulation, and finally cut back remaining stems by about 1/3 of the length to an outfacing bud. Feed and mulch!(This is Grace N’ Grit™ Pink BiColor Shrub Rose

Monrovia - Horticultural Craftsman since 1926


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Garden Update August 2018

Well another month passes and we are starting the harvest season in the garden.
The first harvest is pictured for the first of August.

 The potatoes and rhubarb are coming along and the bush beans have taken off like rockets.
Beets and radish second harvest have just been started and this week I'm going to try to wrangle rose propagation.
Have a wonderful August
Oh yes the hot house is coming along nice in the rebuild.

WE also bought a 20 dollars grafted plum tree.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Garden update 2018 july Greenhouse

Revamping the old greenhouse to have a real base and walls not falling over.
So hubby has also started on the new greenhouse July 2018
Sort of 3 sides are level and on the ground. It's a good start.